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(1)When invited to a home, bringing a gift of flowers, fruit or tea would be appreciated but not expected (接受邀请去主人家做客时,如果带类似鲜花、水果或者茶之类的礼物,主人会很高兴,但不是必不可少的。)
(2)Usually a gift will not be opened in front of the giver (一般来说,收礼者不会当着送礼者的面打开礼物)
(3)Do not feel uncomfortable if there are long periods of silence between you and your hosts. The Vietnamese consider silence an appreciated form of communication and a way of enjoying the company of others(如果在做客时与主人之间出现沉默状态不必感到尴尬,越南人认为沉默是值得欣赏的一种交流方式,享受他人的陪伴)
(4)Pointing with your fingers or your feet, snapping fingers and whistling are considered impolite by the Vietnamese(用手或者脚尖指人,打响指或者吹口哨都属于不礼貌的行为)
(5)The holiday Tet (Lunar New Year) usually falls in the first weeks of February. Everything closes down for most of the week, and it can be very difficult to do business during this time. On Lunar New Year's Day, most Vietnamese stay home. The first guest to visit on this holiday holds great significance; do not go visiting unless invited. The Vietnamese are also very superstitious about certain people (such as pregnant women) around Tet. This can cause misunderstandings from time to time(越南阴历新年一般在二月份的第一周,所有商店服务业都关门,这期间不宜进行商业交往。越南人一般在家里过阴历新年,第一个来访的客人有特殊意义,如果没有邀请一般不要登门。越南人在新年期间对某类人有些禁忌,比如怀孕妇女,注意避免被误解)
(6)Christmas is not a public holiday, but it is widely celebrated by Vietnam's Catholic population. Cards and gifts are widely given, but not expected(圣诞节不是公众节日,但越南的天主教徒教人口会进行广泛庆祝。可以送贺卡和礼物,但不是必不可少)
(1)It is customary in Vietnam to shake hands (using both hands) upon greeting and before leaving, though some Vietnamese women may be inclined to bow their head rather than shake hands(在越南,见面和分别时用双手握手致意很普遍,但部分越南妇女在打招呼时习惯颌首而不是握手)
(2)A slight bow of the head while shaking hands may be used to show respect(握手时可以轻微垂首表示尊重)
(3)The exchange of business cards at the beginning of a meeting is customary. Use two hands to give and receive cards (including credit cards). Read the card carefully before putting it away(一般在会见开始前交换名片,使用双手递交、接受名片。认真阅读名片之后小心收好。)
(4)Punctuality is important(准时很重要)
(5)The most important person at the meeting will usually sit in the middle. You should be prepared to sit across from him or her(会议中地位最高的人物坐在中间,来访者应该坐在对面)
(6)"Yes" may merely indicate understanding rather than actual agreement(“Yes”表示听明白了,而不一定表示同意).
(7)Business dress is conservative but casual(商务着装偏保守,休闲式)
(8)Business dinners normally take place around 1730 and are usually formal(商务晚餐一般在下午5点半开始,一般较为正式)
(9)Vietnamese people are generally quite reserved when dealing with foreigners(越南人与外国人打交道一般较含蓄沉默)
(10)When Vietnamese people are embarrassed or nervous about a topic of discussion, they will usually smile and may even laugh. This can be misunderstood when discussing delicate matters with westerners(在谈话中如果遇到尴尬或者敏感的话题,越南人一般会做微笑状甚至大笑。在与西方人讨论微妙的话题时越南人的这个特点可能被误解).